Happy 2020

Hello 😊 a bit late but wish you all happy new year and all the best . I know this is the time to make New Year resolutions but by the time we realise is January we are all really tired and we like to challenge ourselves with a list of things that is going to get lost in the first week anyway , so way not take a step back and take things as they come . I know every body made a video or a blog post with 20 for 2020, well i am just going to tell you 10 things that i will be doing to make myself feel better and be a better person for everyone around me  !
  1. I think everybody i know says this but since is a new year and i want a better me i want to start working out and by that i`m not saying i`m going to go to the gym , I`m going to work out in the comfort of my one home at my own speed 😃 .
  2. Be a book or a magazine read at least 10 minutes a day.
  3. Push myself to let go my old iphone 4 and get a more recent one 😀 .
  4. Learn something new like editing to create better content for my blog and maybe i can get Zoella`s new app so i can post more often on Instagram , it looks really easy to use for "clever" people like me .
  5. Clean and deodorize my home, there is nothing better for me then a clean home that smell amazing .
  6.  Try and use less plastic , is not only bad for the planet is bad for us to .
  7. Stop eating in a rush , i always find myself eating fast and standing and i really can`t enjoy my food , so this year i want to make sure before i start eating i have enough time to sit and enjoy my food .
  8. Spend more time outside .
  9. Visit our families as much as we can , it is very important to me that my son knows were he is coming from and he meets everybody .
  10. Last but not least take some ME time even if it is just to take a bath or a walk , but wait is not what we were talking about ME ME ME 😀 yeah we wish it was that simple 😊 😘 💖


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